Seneca Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPI):

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) measure how well Ontario colleges meet the needs of students and the marketplace and are used as a basis for funding. KPI surveys are conducted annually by an independent body on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

Seneca's Performance in 2022-2023:

(Data relates to graduates from 2021 to 2022)

Employment six months after graduation  79.1%
Graduate satisfaction  75.8%
Employer satisfaction  88.9%
Graduation rate*  62.8%

For provincial KPI information, go to:
Ontario Colleges Key Performance Indicators (PDF)

Explanatory Information

  • Common methodology has been used for the calculations of all program-related information provided by all institutions
  • * The 2022-23 KPI Graduation Rate is based on students who started one-year programs in 2020-21, two-year programs in 2018-19, three-year programs in 2016-17 and four-year programs in 2015-16, and who had graduated by 2021-22