Learn more about the academic programs we are delivering in Summer 2025. If you have any questions about part-time studies, please contact us.




Volunteers play a crucial role in many aspects of society, providing vital support to communities, organizations, and individuals in need. This certificate program emphasizes the specific skillset needed to effectively manage volunteers, which differs from managing employees. Completing the program can enhance a student's resume and provide a valuable advantage for those pursuing a career in management roles in organizations with volunteer programs. Participants gain knowledge of the latest practices in volunteer management and administration.  

The emphasis of this certificate is on equipping students with the necessary management, research, and planning tools to effectively engage and develop various types of volunteers, including those in specific roles, age groups, and levels of commitment or responsibility. Students learn how to proactively manage each phase of the volunteer engagement process, including recruitment, training, development, engagement, and disengagement. This online program provides an opportunity for students to develop and refine their skills as a competent volunteer manager.

Career Opportunities

Potential career and industry options may include

  • Human Resources
  • Community Organizations
  • Education
  • Social Service Agencies

Entry Requirements

Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with 12C/U English, or equivalent, or a mature applicant.

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Part-time Studies courses are being offered in either of the following four formats: Online, Flexible, In-person, Hybrid. Click Availability below to see current offerings.



Volunteer Management: Foundations

Discover the foundation pieces for successful engagement of volunteer resources. Developing a good planning process, based on recruitment/involvement models and current research on volunteering, will lead to better success when engaging volunteers. Learn to build an organizational culture where the staff-volunteer team will ultimately work together to accomplish the mission/goals of the organization. This course applies the National Occupational Standards for Managers of Volunteer Resources developed by the Human Resources Council of Canada in partnership with the Canadian Association of Volunteer Resource Managers.

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Volunteer Management: Spectrum of Engagement

Prerequisite(s): VLM100

It takes great leadership to keep volunteers engaged effectively. Gain the skills to manage volunteers throughout their volunteer commitment. Discover strategies for every facet of the volunteer cycle, including pre­recruitment planning, supervision, performance evaluation, recognition and risk management. The National Occupational Standards for Managers of Volunteer Resources developed by the HR Council for the Non-Profit Sector will be used as a reference.

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Volunteer Management: Administration

Prerequisite(s): VLM100

An effective manager of volunteers needs a ""kit bag of tools"" to acquire, support and maintain the engagement of volunteers. Most of these tools are administrative in nature and may involve developing a process for enlisting volunteers. This course helps students to understand the support system behind volunteer engagement, whether it be the use and application of software programs; the development of policies & procedures; creating a budget; resolving conflict or creating filing system/templates of forms. Explore these, along with the role that associations (local, provincial and national) play in supporting a continued path of professional development.

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Volunteer Management: Applied Project

Prerequisite(s): VLM100, VLM101, VLM102

In this capstone course, students put the theory/ideas of previous courses into practice by completing a project focused on volunteer engagement. Students will select one project from a list of three (3) project options. For those students currently employed as Managers of Volunteers, the project they select will focus on a direct application to their current work within their organization. Students who are not currently employed as Managers of Volunteers must find and secure the approval from an organization which engages volunteers where they can complete their project. This could be an organization where they currently or have volunteered in the past.

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Program Outcomes

  • Define key terms and roles of volunteering and/or the volunteer system. 
  • Explore the various cycles associated with volunteer management including pre-recruitment planning, engagement, involvement, retention, supervision, evaluation and risk management. 
  • Research challenging issues in volunteerism. 
  • Analyze the planning process to support a successful volunteer project.  
  • Manage various types and sizes of teams of volunteers across a variety of contexts to carry out their roles.  
  • Synthesize the necessary skills to create a volunteer plan for each unique context.

Credit for Prior Learning

Prior Learning Assessment

Earn college credits for what you already know.
Prior Learning Assessment is a method of assessing and recognizing learning that is equal to college level learning, but has been gained outside a traditional classroom (through work experience, volunteering, outside study, etc.). If you can prove that the knowledge you have gained meets the outcomes of a Seneca course, then credit will be awarded.

How does the PLA process work?
Prior Learning is demonstrated through a "challenge" process. The process measures learning through a variety of methods which may include tests, portfolio assessment, interviews, demonstrations, essays, and work samples. The method used will be determined in consultation with a Program Coordinator.
For more information and to determine if you are eligible for PLA, please call the Program Coordinator.

The process may take from 6 to 8 weeks.

Note: Not all courses can be challenged. For more information go to PLA website or contact your Program Coordinator.

Transfer Credit

Many students who enter Seneca Polytechnic will have earned academic credits in postsecondary educational institutions which they may be able to apply toward completion of a Seneca Polytechnic program.

Requests for Transfer Credit must be for a specific course and must be accompanied by an official transcript and course outline. A minimum grade of "C" (60 percent) is generally required for a course to be considered for Transfer Credit.

Download a Transfer Credit Request form. An official copy of your transcript and applicable detailed course outlines should be attached and submitted. Please note it may take 4 to 6 weeks for a Transfer Credit decision.

More Information

Please visit the Office of the Registrar.


When you meet all program requirements and become eligible for a certificate, diploma, or degree, you must inform the Registrar by completing a Graduation Application form and paying the graduation and alumni fee. Certificates, diplomas, and applied degrees are issued twice a year in the Fall (October), Spring (June) and Winter (February).

For further information including deadlines and fees, please visit the Convocation website or contact the Convocation Office at theservicehub@senecapolytechnic.ca.

Minimum Performance for Graduation

A student will be eligible to graduate from a certificate, diploma, advanced diploma or graduate certificate program if they have achieved a minimum graduating GPA of 2.0.

A student will be eligible to graduate from a degree program if they have achieved a minimum graduating GPA of 2.5, which includes a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the courses in their main field of study and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in breadth courses.

Program Contacts

Maria Graziosi
Program Assistant

Melanie Rubens
Program Coordinator